Left to right: Azealia Banks '1991', Flume 'Flume', Bat for Lashes "The Haunted Man', Passion Pit 'Gossamer', Tame Impala 'Lonerism', Grimes 'Visions', Frank Ocean 'Channel Orange, Lana Del Rey 'Born to Die (Paradise Edition)
For me music is never more important then in summer. There's lots of parties, festivals and for me New Year and Christmas so lots of new and old music that fits the laid back mood is absolutely necessary. So, as this is the first day of the sunny season and Sydney is about to have it's first over 40 C day since January I thought I would share what I think I will be mostly listening to for the following months. Also, as it's almost of the end of the
year I guess this also my best of 2012 too.